Correlated Equilibria in Extensive Form Games

- Specify multi-player extensive form games as tree structures, with potentially imperfect information
- Convert from extensive form to normal (strategic) form games
- Convert from extensive form to sequence form games
- Compute correlated equilibria using linear programming techniques
- Simplex
- Lemke-Howlson
- Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
- Weighted Majority
- Perturbed Follow-the-Leader
- Regularized Follow-the-Leader
Coming Soon in Feb. 2020
- Compute correlated equilibria using counterfactual regret minimization algorithms
Reference Papers
- Correlated Q-Learning (Greenwald and Hall, 2003)
- Combining No-regret and Q-learning (Kash, Sullins, and Hofmann, 2019)
- No-Regret Learning in Convex Games (Gordon, Greenwald, and Marks, 2008)